My Little Comic

A few days after he was born, he already knew how to pose.

Don’t you just love the innocence of a child?  Here are a few snippets of my encounters with my almost 2yr old boy.

One morning after getting out of bed, Jakub picked up his toy cellphone and said:  “Babi, mlecinko is gone.”  (Grandma, milk is gone)

To stop him from climbing the cabinet, I told Jakub:  “Don’t climb this or mommy will be mad at you.”  I then went to his bedroom to ventilate his windows.  When I came back, he was already carrying a chair so he can open the cabinet.  Knowing that it was still wrong, he looked guiltily at me as he exclaimed:  “Mommy, ne mad at you.”

Tommy, Jakub’s cousin who is the same age as he, has blond hair.  Whenever he sees blond-haired boys (which is 50% of all the boys in the playground),  he calls them Tommy.

To lure him to sleep, I told Jakub that I will make palacinky when he wakes up.  I then proceeded to ask:  “Do you like palacinky?”  He responded:  “Ne.  Ice cream”

Jakub calls our car “taxi” because he gets to sit in the back.

So I can do household tasks, I oftentimes let Jakub watch educational videos.  On a Barney show, children were pointing at things and identifying what they were: “it’s a bird,” “it’s a rainbow,” “it’s a plane….” Jakub, tugging his diaper said: “It’s kaka (poop).”

Who needs to go to a comedy club when I have a comedian at home.

10 thoughts on “My Little Comic

  1. First of all, I LOVE that baby! What a picture of perfection! I have really missed out on blogging and reading your blog, and I am hoping now to catch up. I see that you have a real collection of awards but I have nominated you for one more, the Liebster Blog Award on my home page, because I really enjoy your tales of being a young mom exploring the world, cultures, life and being a connected friend.

    P.S., my 18-21-year olds are still really funny. Just mentioning.


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